Cours Particuliers de Français avec Gustavô
All French Newspapers and Magazines: https://lapressedefrance.fr
All radio stations in France: http://www.brume.org/radios
French song lyrics: http://www.paroles.net
Official French Government Website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/
Campus France – Official Website for preparing Application Dossiers for
Colleges in France: https://www.bresil.campusfrance.org/campus-france-brasil
Students: https://www.letudiant.fr/
National Library of France – BNF: https://www.bnf.fr/fr
National Library of France online – Gallica*: https://gallica.bnf.fr
*you can download books in PDF for free and in the original French by image!
TV5 – The most famous television network in France: https://www.tv5monde.com/
TV5 – French Dictations: https://dictee.tv5monde.com/
TV5 – Literature Books: https://enseigner.tv5monde.com/themes/litterature
French Ministry of Education: https://www.education.gouv.fr
Cooking Recipes: https://www.marmiton.org
Maps of France: http://www.cartesfrance.fr
Dictionary of the French Academy of Letters: https://www.dictionnaire-academie.fr/
Dictionary with Synonyms and Trans. English: https://www.linternaute.fr/dictionnaire/fr/
Verb Conjugation: https://leconjugueur.lefigaro.fr/