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Cours Particuliers de Français avec Gustavô

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CPF. GUSTAVÔ is a French Language course aimed at the specific demands of each student or group of students, in which each student creates their own material, written based on the classes given, committing themselves to the proposed activities in order to obtain their best results. results. Following this didactic strategy, from C.P.F. GUSTAVÔ, the student will be able to achieve results that in the methodology of standardized language school courses would be less easily achievable.

To provide the student with conditions so that they can learn the French language, through diversified teaching strategies, aimed at the specific demands of each student, respecting the student's learning pace, and teaching the content in a relaxed way, making the class also a moment of sharing and interpersonal exchanges;
By it's services, CPF GUSTAVÔ, aims to touch positively as many Brazilian and foreign students as possible, in the national territory and abroad.
01. Listening
02. Understanding
03. Empathy
04. Relaxation
05. Organization
06. Commitment
07. Continuity
08. Respect
09. Ethics

The scholar calendar is built according to the values of C.P.F. GUSTAVÔ.
It is usefull to organize the activities, the progression and continuity of working, with commitment to the student, and respect for moments of break. That's why in addition to school breaks, isolated holidays, whenever possible, are amended to accomplish their purpose of resting, so the student will be able to retur to work with more energy.
Download and print our calendar !

Teacher Gustavô
Gustavo Heilbuth is a French teacher (FLE - Français Langue Étrangère) since 2005.
Brazilian, born in the city of Belo Horizonte/MG, he has been trained in France (2007) and in Brazil at UFMG (2003-2006).
He has taught at CACS-UFMG (Language Teaching Project at the Academic Center for Social Sciences at the Federal University of Minas Gerais) and at Luziana Lanna Idiomas Course. He has an extensive experience in teaching French to Brazilians as well as a translator Portuguese/French - French/Portuguese.
Since his return from France in 2007, he has dedicated himself to private French lessons in his own company, Cours Particuliers de Français avec Gustavô, the C.P.F. GUSTAVÔ.
From 2020 onwards, he added to his professional activities the modality of online live teaching.
His passion for classical music, gastronomy as well as his graduations in Law and History contribute enormously to enriching the subjects covered in the classroom.
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